Эдгар Дега считается одним из основателей импрессионизма .
Невозможно обсуждать движение импрессионистов, не упомянув Дега. Хотя его отношения с некоторыми из коллег-импрессионистов были напряженными, он остается важной фигурой среди элиты революционеров искусства. Он организовал несколько выставок картин импрессионистов, первая из которых состоялась в 1874 году.
Тем не менее он остается заметным художником среди представителей своего движения. В то время как его современники осваивали живопись на открытом воздухе и импровизацию, Дега никогда не признавал себя импрессионистом и не оставлял места для импровизации. Он годами работал над картинами, оставляя их на долгие годы, а затем возвращался к ним и завершал их.
Техника Дега отличалась изящными мазками, использованием искусственного освещения и полуприверженностью к классическим традициям, которые служили ему бесконечным источником вдохновения. Сначала он был поклонником парижской жизни с ее многолюдными кафе, оживленными улицами и манящей архитектурой, но постепенно отошел от импрессионистской тематики и ее цветовой палитры.
Затем он посвятил себя другим сюжетам современной жизни, которые стали определять его стиль: балерины, женщины в гардеробных и жокеи на ипподроме.
На протяжении всей своей карьеры художественные поиски Дега были обусловлены стремлением запечатлеть движение. А что может быть лучше для иллюстрации движения, чем танец? В то время балеты и оперы были любимым развлечением парижан.
Безумно вдохновленный балеринами, Дега неустанно работал над созданием большого количества работ с использованием этого сюжета.
Для многих молодых женщин танец был единственным выходом из нищеты. Под пристальными взглядами богатых мужчин столицы они пытались облегчить свои страдания. Дега внимательно изучал их взгляды и поведение. Как вуайерист, он обращал внимание на то, как они укладывали волосы, как делали растяжку и разминку, как общались друг с другом. Он запечатлел мельчайшие жесты с беспрецедентным художественным обаянием.
Но откуда взялось это полунавязчивое увлечение женской фигурой? На самом деле он рисовал балерин не из личного интереса. Скорее, для богатых покровителей, которые рассматривали его работы как «конфетку для глаз». На самом деле Дега наслаждался одиночеством и, как говорят, всю жизнь был холост.
Известный своим взрывным характером, Дега с трудом уживался со своими современниками. Становясь все более изолированным, он также, начиная с 1870 года, страдал от расстройства зрения. Этот недостаток сильно повлиял на его работу, так как наброски и живопись становились все более невозможными.
В попытке сохранить свой творческий дух он начал новую художественную практику: скульптуру . Она быстро стала его страстью и позволила ему продолжать передавать движение через искусство.
Масляная живопись требует большого внимания к деталям, и Дега больше не мог уделять этому внимание в своих работах. В постоянном стремлении сохранить устойчивый художественный рост и развитие, он даже попробовал свои силы в фотографии в 1895-1896 годах. Его творческая карьера завершилась в 1911 году, когда он полностью потерял зрение.
1855-1865 Edgar Degas jeune homme Photographie Paris, Bibliothèque nationale
1855 Edgar Degas Etude pour un autoportrait Dessin Sanguine 29,5x21,5 cm Providence, Rhode Island
1856 Edgar Degas Portrait dun italien Dessin Fusain 38x26 cm Chicago art Institute
1856 - Tête de jeune file romaine Dessin Crayon noir, fusain et estompe 37,8x25,8 cm Baltimore, Musée of art
1857 - Achille de Gas en aspirant de marine Huile sur Toile 64,4x46,2 cm Washington, national Gallery of Art
1858 - Degas au chapeau moi Huile sur papier marouflé 26x19 cm Williamstown, Clark Art Institute
1859 - Gustave Moreau Degas aux Offices Dessin Mine de plomb sur papier blanc 16,3x9,4 cm Paris, musée Gustave Moreau
1860 - La Famille Bellelli Huile sur Toile 200x250 cm Paris, musée dOrsay
1860 - Petites filles spartiates provoquant des garçons Huile sur Toile 109x155 cm Londres, National Gallery
1861 - Etude pour Sémiramis construsiant Babylone Dessin Crayon noir sur estompe 26,7x34,8 cm Paris, musée du Louvre
1861 - Sémiramis construisant Babylone Huile sur Toile 151x258 cm Paris, musée dOrsay
1862 1870 Les Musiciens à lorcherstre par Degas, illustration de la révolution musicake
1862 - Course de gentlemen avant le départ Huile sur Toile 48,5x61,5 cm Paris, musée dOrsay
1865 - Etude pour Scène de guerre au Moyen Âge Dessin Crayon noir 32,1x27,6 cm Paris, musée du Louvre
1865 - Etude pour Scène de guerre au Moyen Âge Dessin Crayon noir Paris, musée du Louvre
1865 - La Femme aux Chrysanthèmes, madame Hertel Huile sur Toile 73,7x92,7 cm New-York The Metropolitan Museum of Art
1866 - La Sortie du pesage aquarelle et gouache 11x17 cm Boston, Gadner museum
1867 - Edmond et Thérèse Morbill Huile sur Toile 116,5x88,3 cm Boston, Museum of Fine Art
1867 - Portrait de Jeune femme Huile sur Toile 27x22 cm Paris, musée dOrsay
1868 1869 Edgar Degas- Le Viol, détail la domestique
1868 1869 Edgar Degas- Le Viol, Détail le mobilier
1868 1869 Edgar Degas- Le Viol
1868 - Cavalier en Habit rouge Pinceau et lavis sépia 43,6x27,6 cm Paris, musée du Louvre
1868 - Gustave Moreau Huile sur Toile 40x27 cm Paris, Musée Gusave Moreau
1868 - Mademoiselle Fiocre dans le ballet La Source Huile sur Toile 130x145 cm New-York, the Brooklin Collection
1869-1872 Edgar Degas Mademoiselle Didau au Piano
1869 - La Repasseuse Huile sur Toile 92x74 cm Munich, Neue Pinakothek
1869 - lOrchestre de lOpéra Huile sur Toile 56,5x46,2 cm Paris, musée dOrsay
1869 - Madame Gobillard, Yves Morisot Huile sur Toile 54,3x65,1 cm New-York The Metropolitan Museum of Art
1869 - Marine, soleil couchant Pastel sur papier jaune clair Collection particulière
1870 - Jockey amateur Dessin Pinceau et encre de Chine x44,28 cm ctai
1870 - Manet aux courses Dessin Crayon sur papier brun clair 32x24,4 cm New-York The Metropolitan Museum of Art
1870 vers Edgar degas LOrchestre de lopéra
1872 - Aux courses en provunce, la Voiture au course Huile sur Toile 36,5x55,9 cm Boston, Museum of Fine Art
1872 - Ballet de Robert le Diable, détail
1872 - Ballet de Robert le Diable Huile sur Toile 66x54,3 cm New-York The Metropolitan Museum of Art
1872 - Chevaux de courses devant les tribunes Huile sur Toile 46,61 cm Paris, musée dOrsay
1873 - Artiste dans son atelier Huile sur Toile 41x27 cm Lisbonne, Foundaçao Calouste Gulbenkian
1873 - Elena Montejasi-Cicerale Huile sur Toile 70x55 cm Londres, National Gallery
1873 - La Savoisienne Huile sur Toile 61x45,7 cm Providence, Rhode Island, Museum of Art
1873 - Le Pédicure Huile sur papier marouflé 61x46 cm Paris, musée dOrsay
1873 - Un bureau de coton à la Nouvelle-Orléans Huile sur Toile 74,92 cm Pau, Musée des Beaux-Arts
1874 - La Classe de Danse Huile sur Toile 85x75 cm Paris, musée dOrsay
1874 - Répéttition dun ballet sur la scène Huile sur Toile x6581 cm Paris, musée dOrsay
1875-1876 Edgar Degas Au Café, labsinthe
1875 - Chevaux de course à Longchamp Huile sur Toile - Boston, Museum of Fine Art
1876-1877 Degas Edgar, Attente, seconde version Make an attempt, second version
1876-1877 Degas Edgar, La fête de la patronne, The festival of the owner,
1876-1877 Degas Edgar, Repos sur le lit Rest on the bed
1876 - Au Café ou lAbsinthe Huile sur Toile 92x68 cm Paris, musée dOrsay
1876 - Femmes se peignant Huile sur papier marouflé sur toile 31,4x45,1 cm Washington, The Philips Collection
1877 - Aux Tuileries, la femme à lombrelle Huile sur Toile 27x20 cm Glasgow, The Burrell Collection
1877 - Bains de mer, petite fille peignée par sa bonne Huile sur papier 46x81 cm Londres, National Gallery
1877 - Danseuses à la barre Huile sur Toile 75,6x81,3 cm New-York The Metropolitan Museum of Art
1877 - Deux danseuses en scène Huile sur Toile 62x46 cm Londres, Courtauld Institute Galleries
1877 - Femme sortant du bain, Femme au bain Pastel sur monotype 23x31 cm Paris, musée du Louvre
1877 - Femmes devant un café Pastel sur monotype 41x60 cm Paris, musée du Louvre
1877 - Jeune femme au café Pastel sur monotype en encre noire 13,1x17,2 cm New-York, Collection particulière
1877 - La Danseuse au bouquet saluant
1877 - La Répétition de Danse, détail
1877 - La Répétition de danse Huile sur Toile 66x100 cm Glasgow, The Burrell Collection
1877 - Le Café-concert des Ambassadeurs Pastel sur monotype Lyon, Musée des Beaux-Arts
1878 - Blanchisseuses portant du linge en ville Huile sur papier marouflé 46x61 cm Angleterre, Collection particulière
1878 - Chanteuse de Café, la chanteuse au gant Pastel et détrempe sur huile
1878 - Danseuse posant chez un photographe Huile sur Toile x6550 cm Moscou, Musée Pouchkine
1878 - Le Ballet Pastel sur monotype 40x50 cm Providence, Rhode Island School of Design
1879 - Danseuse dans sa loge Pastel 87x37 cm PAsadena, The Norton Art Foundation
1879 - Danseuses basculant, Danseuses vertes Pastel 66x36 cm Lugano, Collection Thyssen-Bornemisza
1879 - Diego Martelli Huile sur Toile 110x100 cm Engos
1879 - Ecole de dans, répétition de danse Huile sur Toile 47x61 cm New-York, the Frick Collection
1879 Edgar Degas Miss Lala au cirque Fernando
1879 - Edmond Duranty Gouache et pastel sur toile 100x100 cm Glasgow, the Burrell Collection
1879 - Jockeys avant la course Essence sur carton 180x74 cm Birmingham, Barber Institute of Fine Arts
1879 - Miss Lala au Cirque Fernando Huile sur Toile 117x77 cm Londres, National Gallery
1879 - Portrait après un bal costumé, mme Dietz-Monnin Gouache, pastel, fusain 85,5x75 cm ctai
1879 - Trois filles assises de face Pastel sur monotype 16x22 cm Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum
1879 vers Degas Chevaux de Course devant les tribunes
1880 - Classe de Ballet, salle de danse Huile sur Toile 81,6x76,5 cm Philadelphia, museum of Art
1880 - Examen de Danse, Danseuses à leur toilette Pastel sur papier 63,4x48,2 cm Denver Art Museum
1880 - La Visite au musée Huile sur Toile 91,7x67,9 cm Boston, Museum of Fine Art
1880 - Le Champs de courses, Jockeys amateurs près dune voiture, détail
1880 - Le Champs de courses, Jockeys amateurs près dune voiture Huile sur Toile 66x81 cm Paris, musée dOrsay
1881 - Etude pour la Petite danseuse de quatorze ans Craie et pastel 46x57 cm Londres, Collection particulière
1881- Jockeys Huile sur Toile 26,3x39,8 cm Yale, University art Gallery
1882 - Jockey Dessin Fusain x4831 cm Oxford, Ashmolean Museum
1882 - Les Repasseuses Huile sur Toile 76x81,5 cm Paris, musée dOrsay
1883 - Chez le modiste Pastel 76x85 cm Lugano, Collection Thyssen-Bornemisza
1883 - Danseuses attachant leurs sandales Huile sur Toile 70,5x200,7 cm Cleveland, museum or Art
1883 - Le Bain, le bain matinal Papier sur papier vergé 70,5x43,2 cm Chicago art Institute
1883 - Le petit déjeuner à la sortie du bain Pastel 121x92 cm Londres, Collection particulière
1883 - Madame Jacques Fourchy Dessin Crayon conté - New-York The Metropolitan Museum of Art
1884 - Chez la modiste Huile sur Toile ,994x110,2 cm Chicago art Institute
1884 Edgar Degas Les Repasseuses
1884 - La Chanteuse verte, chanteuse de café-concert Pastel sur papier 58,4x45,7 cm New-York The Metropolitan Museum of Art
1884 - Les danseuses roses, Avant le ballet Huile sur Toile 38x44 cm Copenhague, Carlsberg Glyptotek
1885-1886 Degas Edgar, Femme au tub Woman with the tub
1885 - Chevaux aux courses Pastel 66x73 cm Zurich, Kunsthaus Collection particulière
1885 Degas Hilaire Germain Edgar La Repasseuse
1886 - Deux arlequins Pastel 41x41 cm Dublin, the National Gallery of Ireland
1886 Edgar Degas Le Tub
1886 - Hélène Rouart dans le bureau de son père, Madame Marin Huile sur Toile - Londres, National Gallery
1886 - Le Tub Pastel 70x70 cm Farmington, Hill-Stead Museum
1886 - Le Tub Pastel sur carton 60x83 cm Paris, musée dOrsay
1888-1890 Degas Edgar, Femme se coiffant Woman being capped
1888 - Josckeys sous la pluie Pastel 47x65 cm Glasgox, The Burrell Collection
1890-1895 attribuée à Edgar Degas, Nu vu de dos, épreuve au bromure dargent
1890 - Danseuses roses et vertes Huile sur Toile 82,2x75,6 cm New-York The Metropolitan Museum of Art
1890 - Femme assise tirant son gant, jeune femme assise mettant ses gants Huile sur Toile - Buffalo, Albright-Knox Gallery
1890 - Le Bain Huile sur Toile 81,3x117,5 cm Pittsburg, Museum of Art, Carnegie Institute
1892 - Après le bain, femme sasseyant Pastel 104x99 cm Lng
1892 - Avant le lever du rideau PAstel 51x34 cm Connecticut, Wadsworth Atheneum Hartford
1892 - Femme se lavant dans sa baignoire Crayons de couleurs et pastel sur carton 31,8x47,4 cm Paris, musée dOrsay
1892 - Le Vésuve Pastel 25x30 cm Berne, Collection Kornfeld
1892 - Paysage Pastel 42x55 cm Genève, Galerie Jan Krugier
1894 - Chevaux de courses à lentrainement 48x64 cm Lugano, Collection Thyssen-Bornemisza
1895 - La Coiffure Huile sur Toile 124x150 cm Londres, National Gallery
1895 - La Toilette Pastel sur papier 74x60,6 cm New-York The Metropolitan Museum of Art
1895 - Les Trois danseuses russes Pastell 63x53 cm Stockholm, Nationalmuseum
1897 - La Toilette Pastel 60x61 cm Ancienne Collection Florence Gould
1898 - Femme sortant du bain Pastel 95x81 cm Soleure, Kunstmuseum
1899 - Danseuses Pastel 61x64 cm Toledo, Museum of Art
1900 - Danseuses dans les coulisses Pastel sur papier 71,1x66 cm SaintLouis Art Museum
1900 - En attendant lentrée en scène Huile sur Toile 151x180 cm Washington, national Gallery of Art
1902 - Blanchisseuses et cheval Pastel 107x124 cm Lausanne, musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts
1905 - Femme sessuyant, détail
1905 - Femme sessuyant Pastel sur papier de soie assemblé et collé sur carton 69,7x72,4 cm Chicago art Institute
A Carriage at the Races - 1872 (Museum of Fine Arts (United States))
A Grecian Dance - 1885-1890 - Private collection - Drawing - pastel
A Roman Beggar Woman - circa No dates listed - Birmingham Museums and Art Gallery (England)
A Visit to the Museum
A Woman Seated beside a Vase of Flowers (also known as sardela) - 1865 - Metropolitan Museum of Art (United States)
Achille De Gas (1868-1872) - Minneapolis Institute of Arts (United States) - oil on cardboard
Achille De Gas in the Uniform of a Cadet – 1857
After Bathing, Woman Drying Her Leg - Private collection - Drawing - pastel
After Bathing, Woman Drying Herself - circa 1905-1907 - Private collection - Drawing - pastel
After the Bath - 1896 - Philadelphia Museum of Art (United States) - Painting - oil on canvas
After the Bath - 1896 - Private collection - Painting - oil on canvas
After the Bath - circa 1876-1877 - Private collection - Drawing - pastel
After the Bath - circa 1883 - Drawing - pastel
After the Bath - circa 1885 - Musee du Louvre (France) - Drawing - pastel
After the Bath - circa 1885 - Private collection - Drawing - pastel
After the Bath - circa 1890-1893 - Norton Simon Museum (United States) - Drawing - pastel
After the Bath - circa 1890-1895 - Fogg Museum of Art (United States) - Drawing - pastel
After the Bath - circa 1895-1898 - The Phillips Collection (United States) - Drawing - pastel
After the Bath - circa 1900-1910 - Columbus Museum of Art (United States) - Drawing - pastel
After the Bath - circa 1904 - Art Gallery of Ontario (Canada) - Drawing - charcoal
After the Bath, Woman Drying Her Hair - circa 1903 - Private collection - Drawing - pastel
After the Bath, Woman Drying Herself - 1888-1892 - Private collection - Drawing - pastel
After the Bath, Woman Drying Herself - circa 1890-1895 - National Gallery - London (England) - Drawing - pastel
After the Bath, Woman Drying Herself - circa 1895-1900 - Courtauld Institute Galleries (England) - Drawing - pastel
After the Bath, Woman Drying Herself - circa 1895-1905 - Staatsgalerie Stuttgart (Germany) - Drawing - pastel
After the Bath, Woman Drying Herself - circa 1900-1905 - Private collection - Drawing - charcoal
Alexander and Bucephalus - 1859-1861 - National Gallery of Art - Washington (United States) - Painting - oil on canvas
At Saint-Valery-sur-Somme - circa 1896-1898 - Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek (Denmark) - Painting - oil on canvas
At the Ballet - circa 1880-1881 - Private collection - Drawing - pastel
At the Café - circa 1877 - Fitzwilliam Museum (England) - Painting - oil on canvas
At the Cafe des Ambassadeurs - 1885 - Musee dOrsay (France) - Drawing - pastel
At the Cafe des Ambassadeurs - 1885 - Private collection - Drawing - pastel
At the Milliners - 1882 - Metropolitan Museum of Art (United States) - Drawing - pastel
At the Milliners - 1882 - Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum (Spain) - Drawing - pastel
At the Milliners - 1883 - Private collection - Drawing - pastel
At the Milliners - circa 1882 - Museum of Modern Art (United States) - Drawing - pastel
At the Milliners - circa 1905-1910 - Musee dOrsay (France) - Drawing - pastel
At the Races - Before the Start - circa 1885-1892 - Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (United States) - Painting - oil on canvas
At the Races - circa 1868-1872 - Private collection - Painting - oil on canvas
At the Races - circa 1876-1877 - Painting - oil on canvas
At the Races. the Start - 1861-1862 - Fogg Museum of Art (United States) - Painting - oil on canvas
At the Stables, Horse and Dog - circa 1862 - Private collection - Painting - oil on canvas
Ballerina and Lady with a Fan - 1885 - Philadelphia Museum of Art (United States) - Drawing - pastel
Ballerinas Adjusting Their Dresses - circa 1899 - Private collection - Drawing - pastel
Ballet at the Paris Opers - 1877 - The Art Institute of Chicago (United States) - Drawing - pastel
Ballet Class, The - 1881 - Philadelphia Museum of Art (United States) - Painting - oil on canvas
Ballet Corps Member Fixing Her Hair - circa 1900-1902 - Private collection - Drawing - pastel
Ballet Dancers - circa 1895-1900 - National Gallery - London (England) - oil on canvas
Ballet Dancers in Butterfly Costumes (detail) - circa 1880 - Norton Simon Museum (United States) - Drawing - pastel
Ballet Dancers in the Wings - circa 1900 - St. Louis Art Museum (United States) - pastel
Ballet Dancers on the Stage - 1883 - Dallas Museum of Art (United States) - pastel
Ballet Rehearsal - circa 1875 - Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art (United States) - pastel
Ballet Scene - circa 1879 - Private collection - pastel
Ballet Scene - circa 1885 - Private collection - oil on canvas
Ballet Scene - circa 1893 - Private collection - oil on canvas
Ballet Scene - circa 1907 - National Gallery of Art - Washington (United States)- oil on canvas
Bather by the Water - circa 1903 - Private collection - pastel
Beach Scene - 1876 - National Gallery - London (England) - oil on canvas
Bedtime (also known as Woman Extinguishing Her Lamp) - circa 1883 - Private collection - oil on canvas
Before the Curtain Call - 1892 - Wadsworth Athaneum (United States) - pastel
Before the Race - 1871-1872 - National Gallery of Art - Washington- oil on panel
Before the Race - 1882-1884 - Private collection - oil on panel
Before the Race - 1882-1884 - Walters Art Museum (USA) - oil on panel
Before the Race - 1882 - Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute (USA) - oil on panel
Before the Start - 1878 - E. G. Buhrle Collection (Switzerland) - oil on canvas
Before the Start - circa 1875-1876 - Private collection - oil on canvas
Bowing Dancer - circa 1880-1885 - Private collection - pastel
Breakfast after Bath - circa 1893-1898 - Kunstmuseum - Winterthur (Switzerland)- pastel
Breakfast after Bath - circa 1895 - Private collection - pastel
Breakfast after Bathing (also known as The Cup of Coffee) - circa 1894 - Private collection - pastel
Bust of a Woman - circa 1880-1885 - Private collection - pastel
Cafe Concert - At Les Ambassadeurs - 1876-1877 - Musee des Beaux-Arts - Lyon (France) - pastel
Cafe-Concert Singer - circa 1879 - Norton Simon Museum (USA) - pastel
Candaules Wife - circa 1855-1856 - Private collection - oil on canvas
Carlo Pellegrini - 1876-1877 - Tate Britain (England) - watercolor
Children on a Doorstep - 1872 - Ordrupgaard Collection (Denmark) - oil on canvas
Combing the Hair - circa 1892-1895 - National Gallery - London (England) - oil on canvas
Combing the Hair - circa 1892-1895 - Private collection - pastel
Combing the Hair - circa 1896-1900 - Nasjonalgalleriet - Norway (Norway) - oil on canvas
Conversation - 1895 - Yale University Art Gallery (USA) - oil on canvas
Cotton Merchants in New Orleans - 1873 - Fogg Museum of Art (USA) - oil on canvas
Criminal Physiognomies - 1881- Private collection - pastel
Dance Class - 1871 - Metropolitan Museum of Art (USA) - oil on panel
Dance Class at the Opera - 1872 - Musee dOrsay (France) - oil on canvas
Dance Rehearsal in the Studio of the Opera - 1895 - Norton Simon Museum (USA) - oil on canvas
Dancer – 1896 - Private collection - pastel
Dancer – circa 1877-1878 - Private collection - pastel
Dancer – circa 1877 - Private collection - pastel
Dancer Adjusting Her Sandel - circa 1890 - Private collection - pastel
Dancer Adjusting Her Sandel - circa 1896 - Private collection - pastel
Dancer and Tambourine - circa 1897 - Private collection - oil on canvas
Dancer at the Barre - circa 1880 - Shelburne Museum (United States) - pastel
Dancer at the Barre - circa 1884-1888 - Private collection - pastel
Dancer in Blue at the Barre - circa 1889 - Private collection - pastel
Dancer in Her Dressing Room - circa 1879 - Cincinnati Art Museum (United States) - pastel
Dancer in Her Dressing Room - circa 1880 - Oskar Reinhart Collection (Switzerland) - pencil
Dancer Leaving Her Dressing Room - circa 1879 - Private collection - pastel
Dancer on Stage - circa 1878-1880 - Private collection - pastel
Dancer on Stage - circa 1890 - Hamburger Kunsthalle (Germany) - oil on canvas
Dancer Onstage with a Bouquet - circa 1876 - Private collection - pastel
Dancer Posing - 1878 - Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts (Russia) - oil on canvas
Dancer Putting on Her Slipper - 1896 - Private collection - pastel
Dancer Resting - circa 1879-1880 - Private collection - pastel
Dancer Seated (study) - 1872 - Private collection - pencil
Dancer Standing (study) – 1872 - PC
Dancer Tilting- 1883 - PC
Dancer with a Bouquet Bowing - circa 1877 - Musee dOrsay (France)
Dancer with a Bouquet of Flowers - 1877-1879 - Rhode Island School of Design Museum of Art (USA)
Dancer with a Fan - 1879 - PC
Dancer with a Fan - 1880 - Metropolitan Museum of Art (USA)
Dancer with a Fan - 1897-1901 - Metropolitan Museum of Art (USA)
Dancer with Bouquets - circa 1890-1895 - Chrysler Museum of Art (USA)
Dancer with Left Art Raised - 1887 - Kimbell Art Museum (USA)
Dancer with Raised Arms - 1891 - PC
Dancer with Red Stockings - 1884 - PC
Dancer with Tambourine - 1882 - PC
Dancers - 1878 - Private collection - oil on canvas
Dancers - 1890 - Princeton University Art Museum (USA) - oil on canvas
Dancers - 1895 - Private collection - oil on canvas
Dancers - 1898 - Private collection - oil on canvas
Dancers - 1899 - Private collection - oil on canvas
Dancers at the Barre (study) - circa 1873 - British Museum (England) - oil on canvas
Dancers at the Barre - circa 1873 - British Museum (England) - oil on canvas
Dancers at the Barre - circa 1900-1905 - The Phillips Collection (USA) - oil on canvas
Dancers at the Old Opera House - circa 1877 - National Gallery of Art - Washington (USA) - pastel
Dancers Backstage - 1872 - National Gallery of Art - Washington (USA) - oil on canvas
Dancers Bending Down (also known as The Ballerinas) - 1885 - Private collection - pastel
Dancers - circa 1895-1900 - Private collection - oil on canvas
Dancers - circa 1897-1901 - Private collection - pastel
Dancers - circa 1900 - Memorial Art Gallery of the University of Rochester (USA) - pastel
Dancers Dressing Room - circa 1878 - Private collection - pastel
Dancers in a Box - circa 1884 - Glasgow Art Gallery and Museum (Scotland) - pastel
Dancers in a Studio - circa 1900-1905 - Private collection - oil on canvas
Dancers in Blue - 1895 - Musee dOrsay (France) - oil on canvas
Dancers in Green and Yellow - 1899-1904 - Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum (USA)
Dancers in Green - circa 1878 - Private collection - pastel
Dancers in Light Blue (also known as Rehearsing in the Dance Studio) - circa 1882 - PC
Dancers in the Studio - circa 1884 - PC
Dancers in the Wings - 1897-1901 - Kasama Nichido Museum of Art (Japan)
Dancers in the Wings - circa 1885 - PC
Dancers on Set - 1878-1880 - PC
Dancers on the Scenery - circa 1889 - PC
Dancers, Pink and Green - 1894 - PC
Dancers, Pink and Green - circa 1885-1895 - Metropolitan Museum of Art (USA
Dancers Practicing at the Barre - 1876-1877 - (USA)
Dancers Relaxing - circa 1885 - PC
Dancers Resting - circa 1879 - PC
Dancers Resting - circa 1896 - PC
Dante and Virgil at the Entrance to Hell - 1857-1858 - PC
David and Goliath - circa 1863 - Fitzwilliam Museum (England)
Degas Father Listening to Lorenzo Pagans - 1869-1870 - Museum of Fine Arts (USA)
Degas in a Green Jacket - 1855-1856 - PC
Diego Martelli - 1879 - National Galleries of Scotland (Scotland)
Diego Martelli - 1879
Duchesse de Montejasi-Cicerale - circa 1868 - PC
Edmond and Therese Morbilli - 1867 - Museum of Fine Arts (USA)
Edmond Duranty - 1879 - Glasgow Art Gallery and Museum (Scotland)
Edmondo and Therese Morbilli - 1865-1866 - National Gallery of Art - Washington (USA)
Edouard Manet Standing - circa 1866-1868 - Musee dOrsay (France)
Elena Carafa - circa 1873-1874 - National Gallery - London (England)
Ellen Andree - circa 1879
Emma Dobigny - 1869 - PC
Estelle Musson Balfour - circa 1865 - Walters Art Museum (USA)
Eugene Manet - 1874 - PC
Field of Flax - 1891-1892 - PC
Four Dancers (also known as Quatre danseuses) - circa 1903 - PC
Four Dancers - circa 1899 - National Gallery of Art - Washington (USA)
Four Dancers - circa 1902 - PC
Four Jockeys - 1886-1888 - PC
General Mellinet and Chief Rabbi Astruc - 1871 - PC
Giovanna and Giulia Bellelli - circa 1865-1866 - Los Angeles County Museum of Art (USA)
Girl in Red - 1873-1876 - National Gallery of Art - Washington (USA)
Group of Dancers - circa 1900-1905 - National Galleries of Scotland (Scotland)
Group of Dancers - circa 1900-1910 - PC
Group of Dancers, Tree Décor - circa 1901 - PC
Head of a Young Woman - 1867 - Musee dOrsay (France)
Helene Rouart (also known as Madame Marin) - 1886 - PC
Helene Rouart (Mme. Marin) - 1886 - PC
Helene Rouart in Her Fathers Study - circa 1886-1895 - National Gallery - London
Henri De Gas and His Neice, Lucie Degas - circa 1876 - The Art Institute of Chicago (USA)
Henri Rouart and His Daughter Helene - 1871-1872 - PC
Henri Rouart and His Son Alexis - circa 1895-1898 - Neue Pinakothek - Munich (Germany)
Henri Rouart in front of His Factory - circa 1875 - Carnegie Museum of Art (USA)
Horses and Jockeys - circa 1886-1990 - PC
Horses in a Meadow – 1871 - National Gallery of Art - Washington (USA)
Hortense Valpinзon - 1869-1870 - Minneapolis Institute of Arts (USA)
Houses at the Foot of a Cliff (also known as Saint-Valery-sur-Somme) - 1896-1898 - Columbus Museum of Art (USA)
Houses by the Seaside - 1869 - Musee dOrsay (France)
In a Laundry - circa 1884 - Glasgow Art Gallery and Museum (Scotland)
In the Dance Studio - 1897 - PC
Interior (also known as The Rape) - circa 1868 - Philadelphia Museum of Art (USA)
Interior at Menil-Hubert - 1892
Jeantaud, Linet and Laine - 1871 - Musee dOrsay (France)
Jeantaud, Linet and Laine - 1871 - Musee dOrsay
Jerome Ottoz - 1875-1876 - PC
Jockey in Blue on a Chestnut Horse - circa 1889 - Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (USA)
Jockeys - 1882 - Yale University Art Gallery (USA)
Jockeys - 1895 - PC
Jockeys at Epsom - 1861-1862 - PC
Jockeys before the Start with Flagpoll - circa 1881 - Barber Institute of Fine Arts (England)
Jockeys - circa 1885-1900 - PC
Jockeys in the Rain - 1886 - Glasgow Art Gallery and Museum (Scotland)
Josephine Gaujean - 1868 - Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum (USA)
Kneeling Nude - circa 1888 - PC
La La at the Cirque Fernando, Paris - 1879 - National Gallery - London (England)
La Toilette - 1884-1886 - PC
La Toilette apres le Bain - 1886-1890 - PC
Lake and Mountains - 1890-1893 - PC
LAltiste - 1880 - PC
Landscape at Valery-sur-Somme - PC
Landscape by the Sea - 1895-1898 - PC
Landscape - circa 1890-1892 - Museum of Fine Arts - Houston (USA)
Landscape - circa 1890-1893 - PC
Landscape on the Orne - circa 1884 - PC
Landscape with Hills - 1890 - Museum of Fine Arts (USA)
Landscape with Rocks - 1890-1893 - PC
Landscape. Cows in the Foreground - 1890-1893 - PC
Laundress Carrying Linen - 1876 - PC
Laundry Girls Ironing - 1884 - Norton Simon Museum (USA)
Le Pas Battu - 1879 - PC
Leaving the Bath - 1885 - PC
Leaving the Bath -1900-1905 - PC
Leon Bonnat - 1863 - PC
Les Pointes -1877-1878 - PC
Little Girl Carrying Flowers in Her Apron - 1860-1862 - PC
Lowering the Curtain - circa 1880 - PC
Ludovic Halevy Speaking with Madame Cardinal - circa 1876-1877 - PC
M. and Mme Edouard Manet - circa 1868-1869 - Kitakyushu Municipal Museum of Art (Japan)
Madame Alexis Rouart and Her Children - 1905 - Musee du Petit Palais (France)
Madame Camus with a Fan - 1870 - National Gallery of Art - Washington (USA)
Madame de Rutte -1875 - PC
Madame Deitz-Monin - 1879 - National Gallery of Art - Washington (USA)
Madame Rene De Gas - 1872-1873 - National Gallery of Art - Washington (USA)
Mademoiselle Fiocre in the Ballet - The Source (study) - 1866-1868 - PC
Mademoiselle Malo - 1877 - National Gallery of Art - Washington (USA)
Mademoiselle Malo -1877 - PC
Mademoiselle Malo - circa 1877 - Barber Institute of Fine Arts (England)
Mademoiselle Marie Dihau - circa 1868 - Metropolitan Museum of Art (USA)
Mans Head - circa 1864 - PC
Mary Cassatt at the Louvre - circa 1880 - PC
Melancholy - 1874 - The Phillips Collection (USA)
Midieval War Scene - 1865 - Musee dOrsay (France)
Mirror - circa No dates listed - San Diego Museum of Art (USA)
Mlle Fiocre in the Ballet - La Source - 1867-1868 - Brooklyn Museum of Art (USA)
Mme Theodore Gobillard, nee Yves Morisot - 1869 - Metropolitan Museum of Art (USA)
Mme. Theodore Gobillard, nee Yves Morisot - 1869 - Metropolitan Museum of Art (USA)
Musicians in the Orchestr - 1872 - Stadelsches Kunstinstitut - Franfurt (Germany)
Musicians in the Orchestra (also known as Portrait of Desire Dihau) - 1870 - Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco (USA)
Nude from the Rear, Reading - circa 1880-1885 - PC
Nude in a Tub - 1884 - Glasgow Art Gallery and Museum (Scotland)
Nude Study of a Dancer - 1902 - PC
Nude Woman Pulling on Her Clothes - 1885 - National Gallery of Art - Washington (USA)
Olive Trees against a Mountainous Background - circa 1890-1893 - Norton Simon Museum (USA)
On Stage - 1879 - 1881 - PC
On the Racecourse - circa 1860-1862 - Kunstmuseum Basel (Switzerland)
On the Stage - 1880 - The Art Institute of Chicago (USA)
Out of the Paddock - 1868-1872 - PC
Pagan and Degas Father - 1895 - PC
Pagans and Degass Father - 1882 - Philadelphia Museum of Art (USA)
Peasant Girls Bathing in the Sea at Dusk - 1875 - PC
Pink Dancer - 1896 - PC
Pink Dancer - 1900 - PC
Pink Dancers - circa 1895-1898 - Museum of Fine Arts (USA)
Plowed Field - 1880-1890 - PC
Portrait of a Lady in Grey - circa 1865 - Metropolitan Museum of Art (USA)
Portrait of a Man - circa 1866 - Brooklyn Museum of Art (USA)
Portrait of a Woman - 1866 - PC
Portrait of a Woman - 1873 - PC
Portrait of a Woman - 1878-1880 - PC
Portrait of a Woman Wearing a Green Blouse - 1884 - PC
Portrait of a Young Woman (after Bacchiacca) - 1858-1859 - National Gallery of Canada
Portrait of a Young Woman - 1864-1865 - PC
Portrait of Eugene Manet (study) - 1875 - PC
Portrait of Giulia Bellelli (sketch) - 1859-1860 - Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection (USA)
Portrait of Giulia Bellelli - 1858-1859 - PC
Portrait of Henri Michel-Levy - 1878-1879 - Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (Portugal)
Portrait of James Tissot - 1867-1868 - Metropolitan Museum of Art (USA)
Portrait of Madame Edmondo Morbilli, nee Therese De Gas - 1865 - PC
Portrait of Madame Edmondo Morbilli, nee Therese De Gas - 1869 - PC
Portrait of Madame Ernest May - 1881-1882 - PC
Portrait of Mary Cassatt - circa 1880-1884 - National Portrait Gallery (UK) (England)
Portrait of Mme. Rene De Gas, nee Estelle Musson - 1872-1873
Portrait of Pagens and Auguste De Gas - circa 1869 - Musee dOrsay (France)
Portrait of Rene De Gas - 1855 - Smith College Museum of Art (USA)
Portrait of Rene-Hillaire De Gas - 1857 - Musee dOrsay (France)
Portrait of Zacherie Zacharian - 1886 - PC
Portraits at the Stock Exchange - 1878-1879 - Musee dOrsay (France)
Portraits at the Stock Exchange - circa 1878-1879 - Musee dOrsay (France)
Princess Pauline de Metternich - circa 1860 - National Gallery - London (England)
Project for Portraits in a Frieze - Three Women - 1879
Promenade by the Sea - 1860 - PC
Race Horses - circa 1873 - Cleveland Museum of Art (USA)
Racehorses - 1884 - PC
Racehorses at Longchamp - 1871 - Museum of Fine Arts (USA)
Racehorses at Longchamp - 1873-1875 - National Gallery of Art - Washington (USA)
Racehorses before the Stands - 1866-1868 - Musee dOrsay (France)
Racehorses - circa 1895-1900 - National Gallery of Canada
Racehorses in a Landscape - 1894 - Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum (Spain)
Reclining Nude - 1883 - 1885 - PC
Red Ballet Skirts - circa 1897-1901 - Glasgow Art Gallery and Museum (Scotland)
Rehearsal - circa 1879 - Frick Collection (USA)
Rest - 1893 - PC
Rider in a Red Coat - 1873
Riders on a Road - 1864-1868
Rose Caron - circa 1892 - Albright-Knox Art Gallery (USA)
Rue Quesnoy, Saint-Valery-sur-Somme - 1895-1898 - PC
Russian Dancer - 1895 - PC
Russian Dancer - circa 1899 - Metropolitan Museum of Art (USA)
Russian Dancers - 1899 - PC
Russian Dancers - circa 1899 - Berwick Borough Museum (England)
Russian Dancers - circa 1899 - Museum of Fine Arts - Houston (USA)
Scene from the Steeplechase - the Fallen Jockey - 1866 - PC
Seascape - 1869 - Musee dOrsay (France)
Seated Bather Drying Herself - 1895 - PC
Seated Bather Drying Herself - 1899 - PC
Seated Dancer in Profile - 1873 - Musee dOrsay (France)
Seated Nude Combing Her Hair - circa 1887-1890 - Private collection
Seated Woman - 1895 - Private collection
Seated Woman Adjusting Her Hair - circa 1890 - Courtauld Institute Galleries (England)
Seated Woman Combing Her Hair - circa 1887-1890 - Musee dOrsay (France)
Seated Woman in a White Dress - circa 1888-1892 - Private collection
Seated Young Man in a Jacket with an Umbrella - circa 1864-1868 - Private collection
Self Portrait - 1855 - Musee dOrsay (France)
Self Portrait - circa 1863 - Private collection
Self Portrait in a Soft Hat - circa 1857-1858 - Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute (USA)
Self Portrait Saluting - 1865-1866 - Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (Portugal)
Self Portrait with Evariste de Valernes - circa 1865 - Musee dOrsay (France)
Semiramis Building a City - 1861 - Private collection
Semiramis Building Babylon - 1861 - Musee dOrsay (France)
Singer in a Cafe-Concert - 1878 - PC
Singer in Green - 1884 - Metropolitan Museum of Art (USA)
Singers on Stage - circa 1877 - The Art Institute of Chicago (USA)
Six Friends of the Artist - 1885 - Rhode Island School of Design Museum of Art (USA)
Sky Study - circa 1869 - PC
Standing Female Figure with Bared Torso - circa 1866-1868 - Kunstmuseum Basel (Switzerland)
Steep Coast - 1892 - PC
Studio Interior with The Steeplechase - circa 1881 - Israel Museum (Israel)
Study for a Portrait - 1904 - PC
Study for La La at the Cirque Fernando - 1879 - Tate Britain (England)
Study for the Portrait of Josephine Gaujean - 1867 - Hamburger Kunsthalle (Germany)
Study of Hands - circa 1860 - Musee dOrsay (France)
Study of Horses - 1873-1880 - PC
Sulking - circa 1869 - Metropolitan Museum of Art (USA)
The Absinthe Drinker - 1876 - Musee dOrsay (France)
The Actresses Dressing Room - 1885 - PC
The Amateurs (also known as Paul Lafond and Alhonse Cherfils Examening a Painting) - 1878-1880 - PC
The Ballet from Robert la Diable - 1871 - Metropolitan Museum of Art (USA)
The Ballet Rehearsal on Stage - 1874 - Musee dOrsay (France)
The Ballet Scene from Robert la Diable - 1876 - Victoria and Albert Museum (England)
The Bath (also known as Woman from Behind) - 1895 - J. Paul Getty Museum (USA)
The Bath - 1883 - PC
The Bath - circa 1890-1894 - Metropolitan Museum of Art (USA)
The Bellelli Family - 1860-1862 - Musee dOrsay (France)
The Bellelli Family - circa 1858-1862 - Ordrupgaard Collection (Denmark)
The Billiard Room at Menil-Hubert - 1892 - Staatsgalerie Stuttgart (Germany)
The Box at the Opera - 1880 - PC
The Cafe Concert - 1877 - Corcoran Gallery of Art (USA)
The Chorus - 1876 - PC
The Conversation - 1889 - PC
The Cotton Exchange in New Orleans - 1873 - Musee des Beaux-Arts - Pau (France)
The Crucifixion (after Mantegna) - 1861 - Musee des Beaux-Arts de Tours (France)
The Cup of Tea (also known as Breakfast after Bathing) - 1883 - PC
The Curtain
The Dance Class - 1873 - Corcoran Gallery of Art (USA)
The Dance Class - 1874 - Metropolitan Museum of Art (USA)
The Dance Class - circa 1873-1878 - Musee dOrsay (France)
The Dance Lesson - 1879 - Metropolitan Museum of Art (USA)
The Dance Studio - 1878 - PC
The Dancing Examination - 1880 - Denver Art Museum (USA)